New Years Resolutions: 2020

While cliche as can be, I love New Years resolutions. I think it’s so fun to set goals and hear what those around me aspire to accomplish. This year, I set 5 goals for myself, each from a different category: nutrition, blog, fitness, finance & personal. I only pick things that I know are attainable- the quickest way to fail is to be unrealistic Here’s what I chose and why!

  1. Nutrition- Make Half My Meals Veggie Based

    Three years ago I gave up beef and two years ago I gave up pork. Lately I’ve been really conscious on what was given up in order for me to consume (this extends past food as well). Our bodies do not NEED meat at every meal to survive. When I eat meat, it means something had to die for me to consume it. I am grateful for the gift of nutrition and what to only take from it what I have to. I don’t plan on becoming completely veggie based, but don’t want to over-consume from something that was once living.

  2. Blog- Newsletter

    This was a resolution for me last year and I never did it. While a weekly newsletter via email would be the ultimate goal, it’s just not super realistic with work and school. I’m really going to put an effort into getting one out monthly! Drop your email in the box on my homepage if you want to sign up! Not really sure what exactly will comprise these newsletters, but I think it’s a great way to stay updated/connected.

  3. Fitness- Group Fitness Class Weekly

    I used to cycle 3-4x a week and I loved it, but I got burnt out. Recently I’ve gotten in a rut of weight lifting by myself and it can be hard to stay motivated. I want to expand out and try a new type of exercise weekly not only to challenge my body, but keep it interesting! Some classes on my radar are BodyPump and Kick Boxing!

  4. Finance- No Impulse Buying

    Those endcaps at target by the register were made for people like me. I’m the ultimate impulse buyer. I impulse buy so badly & don’t keep inventory of what I DO have that before I know it, I have 37 chapsticks and 15 scotch tapes. Little stuff like this really adds up and I want to cut it down. Instead of thinking “I might need this:, I only want to grab stuff that I for sure KNOW we have none of.

  5. Personal- Find the Root of My Anxiety

    Let me preface this one- my anxiety is situational and most often self-induced. Please note that some forms of anxiety require help outside of a New Years Resolution! For me, I only experience this when school really ramps up and have rough days at the hospital, which all seems to manifest itself into an explosion at bedtime. I want to do better on realizing what I can actively do during the day to minimize night time unrest and what is out of my control. It all blurs together when you’re desperate for sleep. I hope that by proactively breaking down whats consuming me will help alleviate this!

Drop your New Years resolutions in the comments- I love to hear what everyone is going to accomplish!